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SAW wire coil

Diameters / Packaging

25 KG Spool
350 KG Drum
4.0 mm LNS133TB-4-25VCI LNS133TB-4-350


Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

AWS A5.23 : EG
EN ISO 14171-A : SZ

High Manganese and microalloying elements to optimize impact toughness in 2-run technique at low temperature


A low carbon, High manganese, low silicon, containing small additions of titanium and boron for improved fracture toughness. Generally used in two run applications for arctic grade line pipe. It can be used to weld up to API X90 grade


  • High Manganese and microalloying elements to optimize impact toughness in 2-run technique at low temperature
  • Molybdenum free composition to limit the secondary hardening phenomena
  • Suitable for pipe grade up to X90

Typical Applications

  • Two run technique in multiple arc procedure

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