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outer box carton vpmd

Diameters / Packaging

VPMD 12,6 KG (6 x 2,1 KG, approx. 342 pcs)
3.2x350 mm UM316H-32-2

Ultramet® 316H

Stick (SMAW)

AWS A5.4 : E316H-16
EN ISO 3581-A : E 19 12 2 R 3 2

Rutile stick electrode for 316H stainless steel


Ultramet 316H is designed for welding 316/316H austenitic stainless steels operating at high temperatures (500-800°C) under long term creep conditions


  • Increased carbon content heat resistant qualities
  • Greater tensile strength and yield strength
  • Greater short and long term creep strength

Typical Applications

  • Steam piping, superheater headers, furnace parts
  • Gas and steam engine turbine components

Welding Positions

  • All position, except vertical down

Shielding Gas

  • Not Applicable

Service Information