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outer box carton vpmd

Diameters / Packaging

VPMD 12,6 KG (6 x 2,1 KG, approx. 342 pcs)
3.2x350 mm UM347H-32-2

Ultramet™ 347H

Stick (SMAW)

AWS A5.4 : E347-16
EN ISO 3581-A : E 19 9 Nb R 3 2

All-positional rutile stick electrode for 321H/347H stainless steels


Stick rutile flux coated 347 electrode on high purity 304L core wire. Ultramet 347H has all the benefits of an advanced rutile flux design, including all-positional fixed pipework welding with the 2.5/3.2mm diameter electrodes. Recovery is about 110%


  • Designed to give good moisture resistance and hence freedom from weld porosity.
  • Slag is easily removed and gives welds of exceptional appearance and quality
  • Recovery is about 110%

Typical Applications

  • Petrochemical and chemical process plants
  • Power generation industries

Welding Positions

  • All position, except vertical down

Service Information