Premium Air Cooled MIG welding gun with parameter control
The LINCGUN® PROMIG™ delivers infallibly smooth welding across a wide range of welding processes allowing the operator to tackle a variety of applications from light-industrial to professional settings. They were designed to be reliable, cost saving products, making welding easy, effective and efficient. Supplied with a 2-button module (Up/Down) already installed and a Cross-Switch module, easy to change by yourself, just unscrew one screw.
Up/Down module to adjust the Wire Feeding Speed (WFS). Pressing the upper button will increase the speed, pressing the lower button will decrease it.
The Cross Switch module allows you to switch between different welding modes and to adjust the WFS.
1. Wire Feeding Speed and Arc Length / Trim
2. Wire Feeding Speed and Job
3. Wire Feeding Speed and Procedure A-B
300 A CO2 / 270 A M21 @ 60%
Wearparts are compatible with LINCGUN® PROMIG™
Highly resistant to mechanical damage and high temperatures
Long-life, proprietary wear parts delivering up to 70% more welding wire per contact tip
Dedicated high quality liners ensuring smooth wire feeding
Simplified use and wear parts management to reduce downtime
Delivered ready to weld: with a long-life contact tip and a liner