FLAMOXAL M100 Heating Torches

High power heating with mix in the nozzle


FLAMOXAL is able to handle up to 10 000 l/h of fuel gas (Acetylene or Propane )depending on nozzle used. FLAMOXAL nozzle could be multi flame or single flame. The combination of FLAMOXAL M100 torch and FLAMOXAL nozzles with mixing in the head provides to the operator an exceptional user comfort and safety. The FLAMOXAL torch is equipped with a 1/4 turn valve on the fuel gas circuit allowing the flame to be quickly extinguished.


  • Oxygen - Acetylene or Oxygene- Propane torch
  • FLAMOXAL, the power heater for sheet metal forming, reflow of deposits after metallization, descaling, stripping, surfacing, preheating before welding, flame straightening.

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