stick electrodes vacuum pack

Diameters / Packaging

Vacuum pack 9.6 KG (6 x 1.6 KG, approx. 780 pcs)
Vacuum pack 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 516 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 312 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.0 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 222 pcs)
2.0x300 mm 503609-3
2.5X350MM 503616-3
3.2x450 mm 503630-3
4.0X450MM 503652-3
Vacuum pack 9.6 KG (6 x 1.6 KG, approx. 780 pcs)
Vacuum pack 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 516 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 312 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.0 KG (6 x 2.5 KG, approx. 222 pcs)
2.0x300 mm 503609-3
2.5X350MM 503616-3
3.2x450 mm 503630-3
4.0X450MM 503652-3


Stick (SMAW) | 503616-3

AWS A5.1 : E7018-1 H4R
EN ISO 2590-A : E 46 4 B 42 H5

Stick electrode CONARC® 48 - 2.5X350mm - VPMD 12 KG (approx. 516 pcs)


CONARC 48 is a basic extremely low hydrogen electrode for mild steel welding.


  • Recovery 120%
  • Excellent weldability on DC+ in all positions, especially overhead and vertical up
  • Excellent impact toughness down to -40°C
  • Excellent X-ray soundness

Service Information
