Dalla formazione tecnica alla fabbricazione industriale, Lincoln Electric introduce il nuovissimo generatore multifunzione Power Wave 300 A. Dotato di tutte le prestazioni e la tecnologia all’avanguardia che ci si aspetta da un sistema Power Wave, ora completamente rinnovato per portare la gamma dei generatori “All-in-one” al livello successivo.
- Cel mai eficient echipament industrial din categoria sa, curent de sudare 300Amp, 100% durata activa, echipament multiproces.
- All-Process Versatility Stick, TIG, MIG, Flux-Cored, Arc Gouging processes, with advanced weld modes and integrated High Frequency and AC/DC capabilities
- Intelligent Connectivity Intelligent, operator-focused interface and powerful Industry 4.0 capabilities including CheckPoint® Production Monitoring.
- Flexible Input Power PowerConnect® Technology allows for 200V-600V input power while maintaining consistent and reliable arc performance
- Ready-to-Run™ Design Standard features for simple and straightforward operation, including cable management hooks, integrated cart with tilting bottle rack, and TIG solenoid.
Industry Leading 5 Year Warranty
For a full list of available welding processes and waveforms as well as software update details for Power Wave® advanced process welding systems, please visit:
Aplicații tipice
- Technical Training
- General Fabrication