Flux-cored wire coil

Diametre / Ambalaj

ROLA 4.5KG (S200)
ROLA 16 KG (S300)
1.2 mm 942671 942673N

Outershield® 91Ni1-HSR

Sarma tubulara cu pulberi cu protectie de gaz (FCAW-G)

AWS A5.29 : E91T1-GM
EN ISO 18276-A : T 55 4 1NiMo P M21 2 H5

All position basic flux cored wire for welding with M21 and C1 shielding gases


Outershield® 91Ni1-HSR is an all position, gas shielded 1% Ni and 0.4% Mo alloyed flux cored wire for offshore, pipeline and similar applications. Specifically designed for stress relieved applications, guaranteed impact properties after PWHT. Superior weldability, low spatter, good bead appearance and outstanding operator appeal. Superior product consistency with optimal alloy control and excellent wire feeding. Specifically designed to withstand high heat input procedures and meets NACE MR-0175 requirements.


  • Proprietăți mecanice remarcabile și puritatea metalului depuns
  • Sudabilitate buna, deasemenea in pozitie vertical ascendent (3G)
  • Proprietăți mecanice excepționale (CVN >47J la -50°C).
  • Consistență superioară a produsului cu control optim al compozitiei

Aplicații tipice

  • Sudarea oțelurilor 550MPa
  • Aplicații PWHT
  • Constructii metalice

Poziții de sudare

  • Toate pozitiile exceptie, vertical descendent

Gaz protector

  • M21 : Amestec gaz Ar+ 15-25% CO₂, Debit gaz : 15-25 l/min