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Diameters / Packaging

1.6 mm 943314
2.0 mm 943316

Outershield® MC420N-H

Metal-Cored Gas-Shielded (GMAW-C)

All position high efficiency mix gas shielded metal cored wire


All position high efficiency mix gas shielded metal cored wire designed to withstand normalizing post weld heat treatment. Mechanical properties after normalising meet base material requirements, to be used in normalised condition.


  • High resistance to porosity
  • High resistance to porosity
  • Mechanical properties after normalizing meet base material requirements

Typical Applications

  • Wind tower
  • Welding of wind tower door frames.
  • The Outershield MC420N-H is designed to be used only in the normalized condition. As neither AWS nor EN has included weld metal properties in the normalized condition, the wire cannot be classified for the condition it is designed for.

Welding Positions

  • All positions

Shielding Gas

  • M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2, Gas flow : 15-25l/min

Service Information