Hardfacing Consumables Family Group

Durchmesser / Lieferform

1.1 mm ED028176
1.6 mm ED028177

Lincore® 55-G

Schweißen mit gasgeschützten Fülldrähten (FCAW-G)

EN ISO : T Fe2

LINCORE® 55-G Wire for crane wheels, blower blades, bucket lips, dredge parts, and tillage tools (Metal to Metal or Metal to Earth).


LINCORE® 55-G Produces a deposit which resists metal-to-metal wear and mild abrasion to be used on carbon steel and low alloy steel offers unlimited layers with proper preheat and interpass temperatures and procedures.


  • Für unlegierten und niedriglegierten Stahl
  • Unbegrenzte Lagenanzahl mit entsprechender Vorwärmung und Zwischenlagentemperatur
  • Schweißgut beständig gegen Metall-auf-Metall- und leichten Reib-Verschleiß
  • Unlimited layers with proper preheat and interpass temperatures and procedures

Typische Anwendungen

  • Bremse/Radschuh, Schaufeln, Kräne, Brecher, Hobel
  • Schleppschaufeln, Behälter, Pressen, Hämmer
  • Guss, Brennofen, Ladekran, Walzen
  • Bergbaufahrzeuge, Mischer, Schmelzöfen, Energieerzeugung
  • Schienen, Walzen, Schaufeln, Sinter, Zähne, Schlepper, Räder


  • Alle


  • 75-90% Argon / Rest CO₂, 98% Argon / 2% O₂

Service Informationen

Ergänzende Produkte



Classification Shielding Gas Hardness Rockwell C
Typical Result 98% Ar, 2% O2 56-59
Typical Result 75% Ar, 25% CO2 59-61
Classification Shielding Gas Hardness Rockwell C
Typical Result 98% Ar, 2% O2 56-59
Typical Result 75% Ar, 25% CO2 59-61


Classification Product Size Number of layer Shielding Gas %C %Cr %Mn %Mo %Si
Typical Result .045" (1.1 mm) 2 Layers 75% Ar, 25% CO2 0.39 5.6 1.2 0.6 0.8
Typical Result .045" (1.1 mm) 2 Layers 98% Ar, 2% O2 0.47 6.4 1.4 0.6 1.0
Typical Result 1/16" (1.6 mm) 2 Layers 75% Ar, 25% CO2 0.41 5.3 1.2 0.6 0.8
Typical Result 1/16" (1.6 mm) 2 Layers 98% Ar, 2% O2 0.45 5.5 1.2 0.6 1.0
Classification Product Size Number of layer Shielding Gas %C %Cr %Mn %Mo %Si
Typical Result .045" (1.1 mm) 2 Layers 75% Ar, 25% CO2 0.39 5.6 1.2 0.6 0.8
Typical Result .045" (1.1 mm) 2 Layers 98% Ar, 2% O2 0.47 6.4 1.4 0.6 1.0
Typical Result 1/16" (1.6 mm) 2 Layers 75% Ar, 25% CO2 0.41 5.3 1.2 0.6 0.8
Typical Result 1/16" (1.6 mm) 2 Layers 98% Ar, 2% O2 0.45 5.5 1.2 0.6 1.0


Diameter Shielding Gas Polarity ESO
mm (in.)
Wire Feed Speed
m/min (in/min)
Approx. Current
Deposition Rate
kg/hr (lb/hr)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 5.1 (200) 27 165 2.0 (4.3)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 7.6 (300) 29 225 3.0 (6.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 10.2 (400) 31 290 4.2 (9.2)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 5.1 (200) 25 145 2.1 (4.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 7.6 (300) 28 195 3.3 (7.2)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 10.2 (400) 30 245 4.4 (9.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 5.1 (200) 25 145 2.3 (5.1)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 7.6 (300) 27 200 3.4 (7.5)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 28 225 3.9 (8.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 10.2 (400) 29 250 4.4 (9.8)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 28 260 2.6 (5.8)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 30 340 4.7 (10.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 32 420 6.8 (15.1)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 25 230 2.7 (6.0)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 27 315 4.9 (10.7)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 29 400 7.0 (15.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 24 220 2.9 (6.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 26 315 5.0 (11.0)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 28 410 7.1 (15.7)
Diameter Shielding Gas Polarity ESO
mm (in.)
Wire Feed Speed
m/min (in/min)
Approx. Current
Deposition Rate
kg/hr (lb/hr)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 5.1 (200) 27 165 2.0 (4.3)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 7.6 (300) 29 225 3.0 (6.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 16 (5/8) 10.2 (400) 31 290 4.2 (9.2)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 5.1 (200) 25 145 2.1 (4.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 7.6 (300) 28 195 3.3 (7.2)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 10.2 (400) 30 245 4.4 (9.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 5.1 (200) 25 145 2.3 (5.1)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 7.6 (300) 27 200 3.4 (7.5)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 28 225 3.9 (8.7)
0.045 in (1.1 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 10.2 (400) 29 250 4.4 (9.8)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 28 260 2.6 (5.8)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 30 340 4.7 (10.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 75% Ar / 25% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 32 420 6.8 (15.1)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 25 230 2.7 (6.0)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 27 315 4.9 (10.7)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 90% Ar / 10% CO2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 29 400 7.0 (15.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 3.8 (150) 24 220 2.9 (6.4)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 6.4 (250) 26 315 5.0 (11.0)
1/16 in (1.6 mm) 98% Ar / 2% O2 DC+ 20 (3/4) 8.9 (350) 28 410 7.1 (15.7)


Interpass temperatures between 150°C (300°F) and 200°C (400°F) do not affect the hardness of Lincore® 55 significantly.