KRYO 1 is a 1Ni type low-hydrogen basic electrode producing tough and crack-free welded joints. This product has an excellent operator appeal due to the stable and concentrated arc making it well-suited for positional welding. The weld deposit displays excellent mechanical properties (strength and toughness) in both the as welded and stress relieved conditions making it the electrode of choice for all mechanically demanding service applications both on and offshore. KRYO 1 is suitable for welding prequalified procedures for steel group 8C according to AS/NZS 1554.1 Table 4.6.1.
- Designed to produce a 1% Ni deposit
- Complies with NACE MR0175 restrictions
- Excellent impact properties down to -60°C and CTOD data available at 10°C
- 110-120% recovery, weldable on AC and DC
- General fabrication of steels with low temperature requirements
- Available in Sahara Ready Pack (SRP)