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cardboard box Lincoln

Diameters / Packaging

Carton box 12.3 KG (3 x 4.1 KG, approx. 555 pcs)
Carton box 12.6 KG (3 x 4.2 KG, approx. 360 pcs)
Carton box 17.4 KG (3 x 5.8 KG, approx. 255 pcs)
2.5x350 mm 619036
3.2x350 mm 619038
4.0x450 mm 619045

LINCOLN 7018-1

Stick (SMAW) | 619045

AWS A5.1 : E7018-1 H4
EN ISO 2560-A : E 42 5 B 42 H5

Stick electrode LINCOLN 7018-1 - 4.0x450 mm - Carton box 17.4 KG (approx. 255 pcs)


Lincoln 7018-1 is a basic very low hydrogen electrode


  • Excellent for general purpose welding
  • Good impact values down to -46°C
  • Shall be welded in AC and DC+/- mode

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