VPMD Packaging for stick electrodes SAF-FRO for safe storage

Diameters / Packaging

Vacuum pack 10.2 KG (6 x 1.7 KG, approx. 540 pcs)
Vacuum pack 15.6 KG (6 x 2.6 KG, approx. 336 pcs)
2.5x300 mm W000288423
3.2x450 mm W000288425


Stick (SMAW) | W000288425

AWS A5.1 : E7018-1 H4
EN ISO 2560-A : E 46 5 B 32 H5

Stick electrode BASICORD A - 3.2x450 mm - VPMD 15.6 KG (approx. 336 pcs)


BASICORD A is a low hydrogen electrode for Carbon-Manganese and /or low alloyed steel welding. Excellent weld metal mechanical properties at low temperature makes application of this electrode suitable for quality structural works. BASICORD A is suitable for unalloyed steels with low purity or higher carbon content, <0.4%C, and for buffer layers. Good welding characteristics, suitable for root passes and positional welding, welds are of X-ray quality. Material to be welded: S185, S235, S275, S355 :P235, P265, P 335;S275, S 335, S420.


  • Excellent weldability in all positions except vertical down
  • high deposit rate and good bead appearance
  • Very low spatter both in DC and AC.

Service Information
