VPMD Packaging for stick electrodes OERLIKON

Diameters / Packaging

Vacuum pack 12.6 KG (6 x 2.1 KG, approx. 360 pcs)
Vacuum pack 12.6 KG (6 x 2.1 KG, approx. 660 pcs)
Vacuum pack 14.4 KG (6 x 2.4 KG, approx. 210 pcs)
2.5x350 mm W100287427
3.2x350 mm W100287428
4.0x450 mm W100258301


Stick (SMAW) | W100287428

AWS A5.5 : E7018-G H4
EN ISO 2560-A : E 46 6 1Ni B 42 H5

Stick electrode TENACITO 38R - 3.2x350 mm - VPMD 12.6 KG (approx. 360 pcs)


TENACITO 38R is a low-hydrogen thick coated basic electrode that deposits weld metal containing C-1.2%Mn-0.9%Ni. Electrode producing tough and crack-free welded joints. Weld deposit is of extremely high metallurgical purity and very low hydrogen content. Owing to its double covering (up to 3,2 mm), the electrode features a stable arc, making it well suited for positional welding. CTOD-tested for offshore applications. TENACITO 38R electrode features a stable and concentrated arc making it well-suited for positional welding with excellent mechanical properties in both the as welded and stress relieved conditions


  • Weld metal is of very low hydrogen content
  • Excellent mechanical properties

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