cardboard box Lincoln


Caja 13.2 KG (6 x 2.2 KG, aprox. 630 piezas)
Caja 15 KG (3 x 5 KG, aprox. 492 piezas)
2.5X350 mm 561609-1
3.2x350 mm 561715-1

JUNGO 4500

Soldadura con electrodo (SMAW) | 561609-1

AWS A5.4 : E385-16*
EN ISO 3581-A : E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 12
*Nearest classification

Electrodo JUNGO 4500 - 2,5X350 mm - Caja 13.2 KG (aprox. 630 piezas)


Rutile-basic fully austenitic all position electrode, especially developed for applications in phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid and paper mill equipment


  • A rutile-basic fully austenitic all position electrode
  • Smooth bead appearance, Easy slag release
  • Designed for welding alloy 904L
  • World wide reputation for reliability
  • Weldable on DC+ polarity

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