Dry packaging Oerlikon stick electrode (VPMD)

Diameters / Packaging

VPMD 12 KG (6 x 2 KG, approx. 240 pcs)
4.0x350 mm W000287991


Stick (SMAW) | W000287991

AWS A5.4 : E309Nb-15
EN ISO 3581-A : E 23 12 Nb B 22

Stick electrode BASINOX 309Nb - 4.0x350 mm - VPMD 12 KG (approx. 240 pcs)


BASINOX 309Nb is a basic coated MMA electrode designed specifically for use where niobium stabilised weld metal is required in overlays, or inlays, on CMn or low alloy steels. Used for the welding of buffer layers on AISI 347 clad steels and dissimilar steels. The Nb content improves the resistance to intergranular corrosion and also the mechanical properties for high service temperature applications.


  • Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc
  • Self-releasing slag
  • Very smooth bead appearance

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