drum saw wire oerlikon

Diameters / Packaging

25 KG Spool
350 KG Drum
400 KG Drum
2.4 mm OE12MO-24-25VCI
3.2 mm OE12MO-32-25VCI OE12MO-32-350E
4.0 mm OE12MO-4-25VCI OE12MO-4-350E-CCW OE12MO-4-400

OE-SD3 1Ni 1/2 Mo

Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) | OE12MO-4-350E-CCW

AWS A5.23 : EF3
EN ISO 26304-A : S3Ni1Mo
EN ISO 14171-A : S3Ni1Mo

SAW WIRE OE-SD3 1Ni 1/2 Mo - 4.0 mm - 350 KG DRUM


OE-SD3 1Ni 1/2Mo is a coppered SAW wire for welding unalloyed and low alloyed steel grades. The wire has been especially designed to be used in multi run applications with OP 121TT for high strength properties (MSYS 500 – 550 MPa) combined with best charpy toughness down to -60°C and good CTOD values at -10°C. Applications in high strength applications in as welded as well as in PWHT condition. For thick weldments that need very long PWHT-duration OP 41TTW is the best choice to limit the loss in strentgh properties.


  • Delivers a high strength and low temperature fracture toughness weld metal
  • Compatible with NACE requirement on Ni content
  • Actual (Type 3.1) certificates for each lot of wire showing chemical composition are available