It has been designed to withstand high abrasive wear under pressure, combined with medium impacts which are specially caused by coarse sand and hard minerals. For overlaying carbon steels, low alloy steels and 12% austenitic manganese steels, it produces very thick deposits and so only one pass is usually required for most applications. Weld deposit is smooth, of good shape anzd with little or no slag residues. Deposits may check crack to relieve stresses but this will not adversely affect weld adhesion or wear characteristics. Can be machined only by grinding.
- Elettrodo per riporti duri con carburo di cromo, progettato per resistere all'usura abrasiva ad alta pressione, combinata con impatti medi causati da sabbia grossolana e minerali duri.
- Il deposito di saldatura è liscio, di buon aspetto e con pochi o nessun residuo di scorie
- Può essere lavorato solo tramite molatura.