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Diameters / Packaging

15 KG SPOOL (S300)
1.0 mm M2070NB-10
1.2 mm M2070NB-12

20.70.NB MIG

MIG (GMAW) | M2070NB-10

AWS A5.14 : ERNiCr-3
EN ISO 18274-A : S Ni6082

Solid MIG wire welding of nickel base alloys and dissimilar joints between nickel alloys, ferritic and austenitic stainless steels.


Solid MIG wire welding of nickel base alloys and dissimilar joints between nickel alloys, ferritic and austenitic stainless steels. The Mn and Nb additions give a high resistance to hot cracking and a tolerance to dilution with many Ni base and ferrous materials


  • Hot cracking resistance
  • tolerance to high dilution

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