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PE tube for tig rod

Çaplar / Paketleme

5.0 KG PE tube
1.6 mm 604245
2.0 mm 604269
2.4 mm 604283
3.0 mm 604306

LNT 12

TIG (GTAW) | 604245

AWS A5.28 : ER70S-A1
EN ISO 636-A : W 46 3 2Mo
EN ISO 21952-A : W MoSi

TIG rod for welding creep resistant 0.5%Mo steels and fine grained steels LNT 12 - 1.6 mm - 5 KG TUBE


Used in chemical plant construction operating at elevated temperatures up to 500°C, also suitable for applications in petrochemical process plant where some resistance to hot hydrogen attack is necessary or for welding of micro-alloyed stels where increased strength is required. 


  • Used for welding low alloy creep resistant ferritic steels and fine grained steels
  • Ideal for low temperature applications in the as welded condition with service temperatures in range -20°C to +500°C